6 typer sokker (og hvornår du skal bruge dem) + forklaringer på sokkelængder

Denne korte artikel handler om forskellige typer sokker og sokke-længder, herunder hvornår du skal bruge hver type sokker og hvilke mærker der anbefales.

In this guide, you’ll know about:

  • Længder af sokker
  • Pude vs. ingen pude
  • Materialer/stoffer til sokker
  • Bedste sokker til indsættelse af aktivitet

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Crew socks. Over the calf. No show socks. Ankle-length socks. Cotton, wool, artificial, silk. Light cushion, heavy cushion, no cushion …

There are lots of, many different kinds of socks to select from. How do you understand which socks to purchase? How can you be sure that you’re wearing the right socks with different types of trousers & shoes?

When you choose a pair of socks, what’s the best length?

Jeg er søvnløs om natten for disse kedelige problemer, og derefter komponere den mest detaljerede, omfattende korte artikel på internettet om sokke typer.

Hvordan vælger jeg sokker om morgenen
Hvordan vælger jeg sokker om morgenen

If you likewise have questions about socks, you’re in the right place.

Now, we will teach you how to pick the socks ideal for any circumstance. Whether you’re business bro or a broke university student with a budding interest in the goth ninja visual (streetwear), I have got you covered.

First of all, if we don’t talk about the length of the socks, we can’t talk about the type of socks.

These two ideas are almost associated …


Mange mennesker blander stokketype og soklængde sammen, hvilket er forvirrende, da længde ≠ type.

Type handler mere om produkt og formål. Er det en bomuldsstrømpe? En uldsok? En fritidssok? En ankelsok til vandreture?

The sock length just one crucial aspect to consider. However, there’s more to socks than just their height.

And I simply realize why I like socks very much. Just my height, too, you know? I’m complex and intriguing and YOU OUGHT TO HAVE GIVEN ME An OPPORTUNITY, KAREN !?

Sorry, I. don’t understand what entered into me. Where were we? Right, sock length …

Sokker Længder Vis gratis at fastgøre eller dele
Sokker Længder Vis gratis at fastgøre eller dele

Although there’s more to socks than their height length, it is extremely important, so it’s what we’ll focus on right now.

There’s no basic calling convention for stock lengths, so you’ll see different terms utilized to describe the same thing.

Throughout my research, I couldn’t assist, however, think that individuals are overcomplicating this. Let’s keep it basic.

Nedenfor er længderne på alle de forskellige sokker, fra den korteste til den højeste:


These aren’t technically “socks” per-say. However, they do develop a barrier between your foot and your shoe, so I include them here.

I’m not discussing comfort insoles like those squishy blue Dr. Scholl’s inserts you get at Walgreen’s.

I’m speaking about soft fabric inserts that serve as soft, moisture soaking up layers in between your skin and your shoe’s insole.

Bomuldsfrotté barfodssål
Bomuldsfrotté barfodssål

These resemble socks because they’re made from natural fibers (or natural-synthetic blends) and require to be washed in between uses.

For what it’s worth, I’ve discovered absence socks to be more useful, as these inserts tend to slip around or lot up as I stroll.

Men det afhænger af dine fødders form, og nogle mennesker sværger til stofindlægssåler.

If you don’t like any program socks, certainly give liners a shot.


De kaldes også loafer sokker eller lavprofilstrømper, men de fleste beskriver dem som no show sokker.

Don’t like crew socks and over the calf socks, absence socks are developed to be invisible. They’re suggested to be worn with low leading shoes like tennis shoes, loafers, moccasins and boat shoes.

No show sokker
No show sokker

Absence socks are ideal for the summer season, particularly if you like using shorts. They’re likewise great to use with cropped or cuffed trousers and chinos throughout the warmer months.

Approved, the “ankle cleavage” look isn’t for everybody. Some people hate this look and think it’s simply a trend. However, I like showing some ankle by rocking the “sockless” appearance, especially with low leading sneakers and driving mocs.

Jeg bruger mine Falke Invisible Step-fraværssokker med grå Vans i lærred.

sokker med på udstillingssokker
sokker med på udstillingssokker

I believe this is an ageless look that’s not going anywhere anytime quickly, and it feels great to let your ankles breathe during those sweltering summer months.

That said, I do not think the sockless look works with formal attire unless you’re at a casual summer event.

If you’re wearing a navy fit with double monks, over the calf socks are the apparent option. Absence socks look a bit off (in my viewpoint).

However, if you’re using a tan linen fit with brown suede loafers to a summer wedding, by all methods, select absence socks.


Ankle socks are longer than absence socks but shorter than crew socks. They end right at, you thought it, your ankles, and they’re not indicated to be undetectable.

It’s my viewpoint that ankle socks should be booked for practical functions like running, treking or playing sports.


Jeg bruger Asics løbesokker i ankellængde, når jeg løber en tur. De har den ideelle højde til løbesko (du ved, fordi de er designet af et løbesko-mærke).

However, in any other situation, these would not make sense. I can’t consider a non-active situation in which a different kind of sock wouldn’t be a much better choice.

ankelsokker med sko
ankelsokker med sko

Low top sneakers ankelsokker er aldrig et godt udseende. Bare gå med no show sokker snarere!

My advice? If you’re wearing ankle socks with shorts, attempt absence socks rather. If you’re wearing them with trousers, the length isn’t as essential; however, I ‘d still go with undetectable socks or taller socks (crew length or over the calf).


These are likewise called micro crew socks or mini crew socks. I’ve even seen them called quarter crew socks, as most brands shop crew socks have various lengths.

Pointen er, at de er længere end ankelsokker, men meget kortere end almindelige sokker.

This implies they’re about six ″ tall and end above the ankle and below mid-calf.

korte crew-sokker
korte crew-sokker

These can be fantastic when you’re wearing high or mid leading shoes, and you want to prevent chafing around your ankles.

Jeg bruger uldsokker i kvart længde, når jeg vandrer, selv om sommeren. Det beskytter din ankel mod skarpe planter og insektbid.

Quarter length socks can be worn with trousers too, and they’re a great option to crew length or over the calf socks when it’s hot out.

However, if you like to wear your trousers without any break (the “cropped” appearance), quarter-length socks might not provide sufficient coverage when you take a seat, and your trousers ride up your legs.

For me, quarter-length socks are like ankle socks. They’re functional, not trendy.


These are most likely the most popular socks in the majority of guys’ drawers and the majority of department stores’ underwear area.

The crew’s socks are higher than your ankles and end up at your calf height. They will be longer than loafer socks or ankle socks, but will not reach the knees.

crew sokker
crew sokker

Størstedelen af de lange sokker er fremstillet af 100% bomuld, selv om bomuld-polyesterblandinger og andre kunstige produkter bliver mere og mere populære, og du kan finde sokker fremstillet af uld eller måske silke.

Garn som uld og silke bruges dog ofte til smukkere sokker og er generelt ikke egnet til strømper (sammenlignet med højere sokker).

For “average” size feet (between 8-12 in American men’s shoes), versatile crew socks will work well.

Hvis dine fødder er større eller mindre end gennemsnittet, anbefaler jeg, at du prøver at finde crew-sokker i forskellige størrelser.

I use a size 7 (U.S. men’s) in most shoes, so I typically look for crew socks that come in smaller sized sizes.

If your socks are too huge, they’ll drop your calf throughout the day, which gets really irritating.

This feels nearly as bad as when you’re cleaning your hands, and the water starts adding your arm into your t-shirt sleeve …

If they’re too small, they may limit blood circulation. If in doubt, try to find the right socks for your feet, not just a fixed size.


Over calf socks(OTC) are typically seen as “dressier” than crew length socks, so they’re frequently made from greater end materials like wool or silk (or some sort of blend).

Der findes naturligvis også en masse bomulds- og syntetiske sokker over kalven.

Sammenlignet med crew-længde sokker er den store fordel ved OTC-sokker, at de ikke falder ned i læggen med tiden.

sokker over læggen
sokker over læggen

De rammer under knæet, og den runde, tilspidsede form på læggen forhindrer, at disse sokker hænger sammen med hver eneste bevægelse.

These Corgi socks fit well– the toe box and heel remain in simply the right place.

When looking for over the calf socks, consider what type of shoes and attires you’ll be using them with.

If you plan to wear oxford shoes in the summer, you’ll want thin, breathable OTC socks made from the fine, dressy product (like light-weight wool, cotton or silk).

Go with thicker wool for additional heat if you’re going to wear them with boots in the winter.


Nogle gange har du brug for lidt ekstra hjælp mellem din fod og din sko. Eller måske er dine sko bare en lille smule for løse, og du vil gerne have lidt ekstra polstring med.

I dette tilfælde skal du forsøge at finde sokker med en smule dæmpning i hælen og på fodballen.

I choose thicker socks during fall and winter when I’m using boots. I discover that the additional heat and padding is comfier.

Uldsokker og ruskindsstøvler
Uldsokker og ruskindsstøvler

Dæmpede Smartwool-sokker med Chelsea-støvler i ruskind.

Mange sokkeproducenter fremstiller sokker med forskellige niveauer af pude, lige fra ingen pude til kraftig pude.

Mine støvler er normalt kombineret med Smartwool. Jeg har faktisk fundet ud af, at deres uldsokker med medium pude er nogle af de mest langtidsholdbare og behagelige sokker til koldt vejr på markedet.

Hvis de ikke passer tæt nok), darn Tough ligeledes gør fantastiske sokker med masser af puder, der er ideelle til koldt vejr tilstand og iført med støvler (specifikt.


In addition to the ubiquitous 100% cotton socks, you’re visiting a great deal of material blends nowadays (e.g., cotton-polyester or wool-cashmere).

For ikke at glemme, at flere og flere stofproducenter og tøjmærker fremstiller deres egne effektivitetsstoffer, som generelt er blandinger af naturlige og syntetiske stoffer eller endog 100% kunstige stoffer.

Sørg derfor for at tjekke den faktiske materialestruktur på de sokker, du køber, på produktemballagen eller på siden.

Here’s a quick introduction of the various kinds of fabrics utilized to make socks, along with their homes:


  • Blød, men stærk.
  • Bevarer varmen.
  • Udvides hurtigt.

Bomuld kombineres ofte med kunstige fibre for at opnå en langt bedre effektivitet og robusthed.

100% cotton socks benefit sportswear or elegant outfits, however, don’t rely on them for efficiency wear (like working out).

Bomuld er det mest anvendte materiale til alle vores brugerdefinerede sokker.


  • Rynkefast.
  • Strækbar, men holdbar (holder formen).
  • Absorberer væde og lugt.

Wool is nature’s performance material. It’s an amazing natural fiber than can take in moisture and odor, keep you warm or cool, and hold its shape after lots of washes.

For these reasons, wool socks are perfect for hiking (specifically if you want to load light, as you can wear the exact same socks several times without cleaning– let them dry and air out).


  • Silkeagtig og åndbar.
  • Hypoallergen og antimikrobiel.
  • Mere holdbar end bomuld.

Bambus er blandt de hurtigst voksende planter i verden, og bambusfibre er ved at blive et yderst populært produkt til tøj, herunder sokker.

Remember that “bamboo socks” are not made from 100% bamboo.

They’re made from rayon, Athey’s actually made from rayon, a “manufactured fiber made from regrown cellulose fiber” (according to Wikipedia).

Doesn’t rather have the very same ring to it as bamboo socks.

The point is, rayon can be made with other sources of cellulose; however, bamboo is a significantly popular choice due to its soft, resilient feel and it’s hypoallergenic and antimicrobial residential or commercial properties.


  • Stabil og stærk.
  • Blød som bomuld.
  • Modstandsdygtig.

Modal, specifically Micro-Modal, is a type of rayon– generally stemmed from beech trees– that’s just as soft (or softer) than cotton, however, that outperforms cotton in lots of methods.

Modal er mere modstandsdygtig over for nedbrydning i vaskemaskinen/tørretumbleren, og det har integreret med vådhedssugende boliger.

Micro-Modal er et fremragende og elegant produkt til undertøj, undertrøjer og naturligvis sokker.

Jeg er især vild med Modal absence socks.


  • Stærk naturfiber.
  • Let og elastisk.
  • Svedfølsom.

Silke er en elegant naturfiber, som kan være rigtig behagelig mod din hud, men du bør for enhver pris undgå det i varmen (eller hvis dine fødder har tendens til at svede).

Langt de fleste mennesker vil aldrig nogensinde (og skal sandsynligvis aldrig nogensinde) bruge 100% silkesokker. De giver simpelthen ikke mening i forhold til andre materialer.


  • Let og blød.
  • Vandafvisende.
  • Meget isolerende.
alpaka uld
alpaka uld

Alpakauld er som fåreuld på steroider. Alpakauld er blødt og let som kashmir, og det er naturligt vandafvisende og rynkefast.

It’s likewise fantastic for cold weather, as alpaca wool is really warmer than, state, Merino wool.

Det er dyrt, men mange mennesker sværger til det. Personligt har jeg et par alpaca-sokker, som er bedst til vintersæsonen (med støvler) og har holdt i flere år.


  • Luksuriøst blødt.
  • Letvægt.
  • Naturligt isolerende.

If wool had a handsome, abundant older bro who just flies very first class and hasn’t purchased his own groceries in years, his name would be Cashmere.

Dette glamourøse materiale er fremstillet af blødt Cashmere-gedehår og er utrolig blødt, let og isolerende.

It’s ideal for crew length or over the calf dress socks throughout the cooler season, or anytime you just wish to spoil your toes a bit.


  • Hold farven.
  • Tørrer hurtigt.
  • Ikke åndbar.
Grå farvet bomuld polyester stof tekstur, detaljeret nærbillede, vintage stof.

Polyester is synthetic fiber made by petroleum, that’s often combined with natural fibers like cotton to harness its specific residential or commercial properties in smaller sized concentrations.

En lille mængde polyester vil hjælpe sokkerne til at få lyse farver. Det gør også, at sokkerne tørrer hurtigere (sammenlignet med 100%-bomuld).

But 100% polyester socks are not a good choice, and it won’t be as breathable or comfortable as most other products.


In any scenario, there’s going to be a mix of length, product, and cushioning that works best.

For example, if you’re going skiing, you most likely wish to wear cushioned wool crew socks.

If you’re using boat shoes to a yard barbecue, you probably want to use cotton no show socks (or perhaps even no socks at all).

Calf socks with fine cotton are your finest choice if you’re going to a task interview in a match and tie.

At vælge de allerbedste sokker er ret subjektivt. Nogle mennesker vil ønske mere ankel, når de vandrer. Nogle vælger mere dæmpning, når de træner.


Jeg håber, at denne vejledning om sokker hjælper dig med at forstå, hvilke slags sokker du skal have på under alle omstændigheder.

Keep in mind, and it’s not just about sock length, however also about material and cushioning.

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Basics of custom socks – Materials/Yarn

Basics of custom socks – socks length

Basics of custom socks – Sizing

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Center for gratis download

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